Sanctuary Animals

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Here, They're Home.

These are the beautiful souls we see and care for every day at our headquarters. Many came under the most dire of circumstances, and they're part of our family now. We make them whole again, and ensure they live their best life at our ranch.

Sanctuary Animals

Fixing Terrible Teeth
Teeth Cleanings For All This month we're doing our yearly teeth exams. Yes, horses and donkeys need their teeth checked just like humans!  It's often called...
5 Months out of Starvation
Turning the Corner  We never know how or why animals are starved. Sometimes, owners are taken to court and animals become forced surrenders. Other times, like...
Bringing Her Back To Life
An All-Out Effort of Survival Our team set out on an 18-hour round trip to save this beautiful starved gal, who ended up at an Oklahoma...

Love, Care & Dedication in Action